20240913 - New pre-print! Surprising results!!
20240722 - Hannah Nemeth joins as research assistant. Welcome!@
20240709 - Amber Zhuang joins the lab as undergraduate. Welcome!
20240625 - Gunnar et al. publish a new paper in Journal of Neuroscience! Congratulations!
20240321 - Kaiwen and Gunnar et al. publish a new paper in Journal of Neurophysiology. Congrats! Vira Mehta joins us as Research Assistant. Welcome!
20240209 - Kiran Lahiri joins as undergraduate. Welcome!
20231208 - Ford & Czarny et al. publish a paper in Journal of Neuroscience! Congratulations to all involved!
20230919 - Gunnar et al. publish a pre-print on mixed selectivity in the IC! Congrats!
20230821 - Kaiwen and Gunnar publish a pre-print of their study on AM coding in IC! Unrelatedly, some vintage PFA data has also been released into the wild…
20230612 - New paper accepted at Journal Of Neuroscience!
20230525 - Congratulations are in order! Clara receives a diversity supplement award to study corticofugal contributions to IC population codes! Harry is awarded a Magnificent Michigan Fellowship from the Neuroscience Innovators Group! Even more news coming soon!!!
20230421 - Jordyn Czarny launches off to Washington University’s Neuroscience Ph.D. Program! The lab will miss you, but you are in good hands!!
20230307 - The lab displayed unprecedentedly stellar representation at ARO. Esther Choi and Elias Evans join the lab. Welcome!
20220808 - Clara Martínez-Voigt joins us as Research Assistant! Welcome!! A new pre-print is up, provocative results herein…
20220707 - Belated congratulations to Kaiwen who was awarded a Magnificent Michigan Fellowship from the University of Michigan’s Neuroscience Innovators Group!
20220622 - Meike is awarded a Walter Benjamin Fellowship from the DFG, Alex is leaving for University of Michigan’s Neuroscience Graduate Program, and the lab has 7 (count em, 7!) presentations at the Midwest Auditory Research Conference. Congrats to all!!
20220523 - Harry Yardley joins us as undergraduate researcher. Welcome!
20220323 - Paige Davis has joined us an undergraduate researcher. Welcome!
20220209 - new pre-print available here!
20211222 - Lab’s first paper accepted at eLife. Congratulations authors! Read the pre-print and reviewer comments here.
20210930 - Kaiwen Shi joins us as an undergraduate researcher. Welcome!
20210810 - Congratulations to Anokhi who gave a marvelous presentation at the Magnificent Michigan poster session! We’re proud of you!!
20210727 - First pre-print is up. Congrats to all! More to come soon…
20210611 - Dr. Meike Rogalla officially joins us irl! Anokhi is awarded a Magnificent Michigan Fellowship through the Kavli Group!
20210513 - Hannah Oberle is awarded a spot on the HBCS T32 training grant! Congratulations!
20210419 - Jordyn Czarny and Dr. Gunnar Quass arrive as Research Assistant and Post-Doctoral Researcher, respectively. Welcome!
20210101 - Happy New Year! The lab has been awarded its first R01 to study how dendritic integration in auditory cortex generates behaviorally relevant “feedback signals” transmitted to sub-cortical circuits.
20200915 - Been quite a year hasn’t it? On a positive note, here’s a cool movie from one of Alex’s experiments.
20200724 - Hannah Oberle is awarded an ARTOP fellowship! Congratulations!
20200421 - Hannah Oberle and Alexis Vega-Medina join as graduate students. Welcome!
20200402 - We’ve been keeping extra busy. Cool stuff coming soon.
20190725 - We will present exciting new findings tonight during the poster session at University of Michigan’s 1st Annual Neuroscience Conference!
20190613 - Just received news that we have been awarded an Emerging Research Grant from the Hearing Health Foundation!
20190515 - Received notice that a really exciting project has just been accepted for funding by the Whitehall Foundation!
20190301 - Alexander Ford joins as research assistant February 2019. We’re getting some pretty cool data from awake mice and brain slices.
20181128 - New paper published last month. Congratulations to all involved. UROP students Ryan and Anokhi joined Fall Semester. Welcome!
20180330 - Site launch.